Ball Info Calculator Data

Calculations are based on 2 different control bowling balls. 1 asymmetrical bowling ball and 1 symmetrical bowling ball. The control bowling balls are low RG, high Differential bowling balls within each type of construction. Each control bowling ball was then compared to a list of bowling balls within the Powerhouse Blueprint program and an asymmetrical and symmetrical bowling ball were selected that are the closest to the control numbers to run the drilling simulations.

The control numbers are:

All layouts that were simulated in Powerhouse Blueprint used the following hole depths:

All drilling simulations used the following hole sizes:

USBC specifications define an Asymmetrical Ball as one that has an Undrilled Intermediate Differential of .010 or greater regardless of the core shape.

This calculator will not give you the exact change in numbers for each specific bowling ball. The change in numbers is a result of removing density from the bowling when the holes are drilled. Each bowling ball has densities specific to that ball's core shape and construction. The calculator will give you the exact change in numbers for each control ball. The calculator is designed to give you the direction in which the numbers change which will apply to every ball drilled. For example, if the calculator returns a change in RG of +.003, Diff of -.008, and Intermediate Diff of +.012 you can expect that the ball you drill will have the RG increase, the Differential decrease, and the Intermediate Diff increase. Since the calculator does not have the ability to know the density of the materials for your specific ball it can not give you the exact change in numbers, only an estimation based on the control ball. 

The calculator uses 2 functions, 1 for an asymmetrical ball and 1 for a symmetrical ball. The calculator automatically uses the correct function based on the Intermediate Differential that you enter. If you do not enter an Intermediate Differential the calculator defaults to the symmetrical ball function for the calculations.

Ball Info Data